Common Cold – What You Should Know

The common cold is one of those diseases that people get on a regular basis. The cold is generally a mild annoyance or discomfort that lasts for a week or two and then goes away. There are three types of colds. They are:


The first is the acute cold virus. This is usually associated with the season in which you live and if it isn't present, you will have an occasional cold that's not too severe. The common cold virus causes a fever and a runny nose.


The second is the chronic cold virus. This is more common than the acute cold. The most common symptom of a chronic cold is cold sores. The cold virus triggers an overabundance of your body's immune system. A few weeks or a month later, the virus comes back, but now there's an overactive response and the virus is more resistant to treatment.


The third type of viral infection is the seasonal flu. This is a very common occurrence in the United States. It usually hits in the fall and winter and can be serious enough to stop someone from being able to work.


You can fight against common colds through a variety of ways. For example, you can take drugs to lower your fever. You can also go through the seasonal flu vaccine, which helps protect against the main strains of flu.


One effective way to fight off colds is to drink a lot of water. Many people who are sick with colds often don't drink enough water, so they end up dehydrated. Drinking a lot of water helps flush out toxins that can help to cure a cold. Other remedies you can try include taking Vitamin B-complex supplements and taking warm baths.


Another way to treat the virus is to take anti-fungal medications. Many of these treatments are topical and can be bought over the counter. Some can be pricey though, especially if you want a long-term treatment.


Before you start any anti-fungal medication, talk to your doctor


The right medicine will cure your cold. safely and without side effects. If you want a quicker cure, try to get a flu shot or nasal spray to cover the virus, even if that's the cheaper route.


Be sure you are wearing all your protective gear while outdoors to prevent getting sick. Always wear your sunglasses and a mask when going outside, especially when it's really cold or raining. Wear protective clothing too, like long sleeves, heavy cotton clothing and a hat. It's also important to wash your hands every day.


If you're having a particularly bad cold, see your doctor as soon as possible. He can prescribe medications to treat the cold and help you recover faster.


If you think you may have a more serious cold, be sure to stay home for two weeks and contact your doctor immediately. In severe cases of a cold, you may need to stay home until it passes. Even if you can't stay home because of your symptoms, you should take precautions to keep them from coming back.


If you feel that something isn't right, you should check to make sure that you have other forms of treatment besides a cold virus. If you think your symptoms aren't coming on quickly enough, go to a doctor to make sure that you're not allergic to anything else.


A few things that could trigger your cold are seasonal allergies, being around people who are sick or allergic, or having a pre-existing medical condition that you think might be causing your cold. It's best to prevent your common cold from coming on in the first place so you don't aggravate the symptoms you already have.

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